The BepiColombo probe


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 Mercury Work done at ROBBepiColombo

The BepiColombo probe
(credit : ESA)
BepiColombo is an experience of the European Space Agency ESA to the planet Mercury. The objectives of this mission are described here. The Royal Observatory of Belgium is involved in the instruments BELA (Bepi Laser Altimeter), SIMBIO-SYS (Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem) and MORE (Mercury Orbiter Radio Science Experiment). In particular, the Center will focus on the rotation (especially the libration of Mercury), the tides and the internal structure of Mercury. Scientists at the ROB are responsible for the preparation of three experiments mentioned and the future analysis of respective data.
Tim Van Hoolst is "Co-Investigator" of SYS-SIMBIO experience and Véronique Dehant is "Co-Investigator" of BELA and MORE.

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