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Uranus' Satellites

 The Icy Satellites Uranus' Satellites Titania

Titania Titania
Titania :
Titania was detected by Herschell in 1787, just like Oberon. Just like Uranus' other satellites, this one is 40 à 50 % ice water, the rest is rock (silicates). The surface is also a grey colour.

Image by Voyager 2(credit: JPL/NASA)
Distance to Uranus436 270 km
Period of revolution8.71 earth days
Diameter1578 km
Mass (Earth=1)0.0005842
Density (water =1)1.70
Compositionice water(40-50%), rocks
Temperature on the surface-190 °C
Titania's surface has many interesting characteristics, that give information on its geological history.
  • A large number of craters of varying sizes
  • Shiny areas made by recent impacts
  • Canyons that are proof of tectonic expanses of the crust and an active interior.
In particular we can see an impact crater of 300 km in diameter in the top right corners of the photos. An other large crater is visible on the bottom, its diameter is 200 km wide. Their size and the fact that they are covered in other smaller craters or large fissures show that they come from a period of bombardment that is older than the others structures on the surface.

The great rift (Messina Chasmata system) located in the middle of the photo is 50 to 100 km wide and a few hundred km long. The internal wall of the Canyon which was lit up by sunlight is very shiny and might be made up of ice deposits.

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